
I'M STILL STANDING is the story of a man whose idea of duty put him in conflict with the powers that be, and how he endured the injustice of false charges and wrongful incarceration, turning bad providence into spiritual growth. Raymond Hicks writes candidly about the humiliation that he suffered as an upstanding young black officer who was wrongly accused by his coworkers–the anguish and financial ruin that he and his family experienced as he single-handedly attempted to fight corruption within the sheriff's department, as well as within the justice system which failed him. Hicks, a modern-day Serpico, reveals his story in hopes that no other dedicated individual will ever have to suffer through a "justice system gone mad."

The purpose of this book is not just to restore justice, to "right the wrongs" visited upon Mr. Hicks, but to make everyone aware of the dangers we all face in a country riddled with corruption to such a degree that "honesty" is all but eliminated.